History Interesting Politics

6 Utterly Amazing Escapes

It goes without saying that there were a lot of USSR residents who longed to escape to live in a democracy, but few of them were so determined as to jump off a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean and swim their way to freedom. Read about this amazing escape and more in this great Cracked article.

Art History Humor

America Takes On Communism

Soviet soldiers that have become Americanized at last. And that’s what the Cold War really was all about.

Interesting Politics Science

Insane Soviet Space Stories

When you read this article on Cracked, you’ll have no further questions about how we won the space race.

Animals Nature RTD Original Science

Siberean Foxes For Adoption

Years ago, scientists in the USSR set out to discover how quickly a selectively bred animal could start to become domesticated. They started with red foxes and the offspring soon started to have gentler, friendlier personalities and their looks started to change as well. They started turning silver.

After the fall of communism, the scientists lost their funding and started selling offspring of the domesticated foxes as pets in order to further their research. You can buy your own for just under $6,000.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“You can’t find any true closeness in Hollywood, because everybody does the fake closeness so well.” -Carrie Fisher

Fact of the Day:

Those doves released at weddings and other formal ceremonies are actually white homing pigeons. True ring-neck doves are bred to be kept as pets and rarely survive out of captivity. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Ukraine’s National Holiday to celebrate independence from the USSR –hey, there aren’t that many holidays in August, I’m sorry. You could always celebrate my dad’s birthday with me.

Link of the Day:
Futurama as Hellboy.