Art Food RTD Original Travel

Fun Times At The San Diego Fair

This week I got to check out the food, fun and frivolity that is the San Diego Fair and here is the result. While I didn’t eat any wacky doodle foods (just fried calamari and a cinnamon roll), I did document all the craziness.

This was the one booth that did tempt me, being as how I am a huge cheese fan and macaroni and cheese in a cup sounded great, as did deep-fried cheese curds.

Last year, this booth made all kinds of waves with their deep-fried butter and chocolate-covered bacon, and this year they stepped up their disgusting fatty food game with deep-fried bacon and chocolate covered corn dogs.

While I didn’t get any of the crazy food, my friend did try the chocolate-covered corn dog and the result was surprisingly boring. According to him, the melty chocolate covering completely covered up the flavor of the corn dog. I had some of the chocolate-covered bacon last year and I have to admit, it suffered from the same problem -mostly because the bacon slice was so thin it would be hard to taste without a chocolate covering.

This is the most famous of the food booths, featuring deep-fried Girl Scout cookies and deep-fried Kool Aid.

They’re so popular that they actually have two connected kitchen trucks.

One of the fair’s longest-running food stands, this barbeque joint serves up killer smoked ribs and grilled chicken for the greatest prices of any fair booths.

Inside the wood-working room was this sexy wood bikini.

There was also this incredible replica of every wand from the Harry Potter movie series. A geek’s dream.

All in all, a great time was had by everyone and I highly recommend anyone in the area stop by and enjoy yourself.

Update: It occurred to me that this video from Charlotte’s web was a suiting addition to the post.

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Image via danchitnis [Flickr]

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