Animals Lol kittehs Videos

Lil’ Bub and Grumpy Cat: Together At Last

What happens when two of the most famous cat celebrities in the world get together for the first time? Pure adorability, of course -as evidenced by this great Vine video featuring the meeting of Grumpy Cat and Lil’ Bub at the Internet Cat Festival. There are plenty of other videos of the pair’s introduction over on Mashable.

Art Entertainment Fashion Geekery Lol kittehs

You Will Never Win With Grumpy Cat Dungeon Master


You can get this delightfully cruel D&D Grumpy Cat shirt from Off World Designs.

Via The Mary Sue

Animals Funny Holidays Lol kittehs

Happy First Birthday Grumpy Cat


Oh Tard, you’re so adorable, and now you’re one full year old. Congratulations cutie!

Animals Food Geekery Holidays Humor Interesting Lol kittehs

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Grumpy Cat

il_570xN.414875629_3i69Poor Tard, she can’t even enjoy Valentine’s Day, but it’s a complete loss -at least he has a great set of cookies to celebrate the holiday.

Animals Lol kittehs Videos

Tard May Look Grumpy, But He’s Really Just Fine

You’ve probably seen Tard the cat in memes, but now you know that he’s actually just a happy little guy who happens to have a grumpy-looking face.