Any mini Hans or Lukes out there looking for a stylish sleeping bag they will proud to bring these over to their Star Wars sleep over party. Really, I want one too, hope they come in grown up size.
Tag: star wars
Creepy Geek Valentine
You know what they say, incest is best. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
I love this photo set depicting the real life of a stormtrooper. It’s good to know they do other things with their lives, outside of trying to keep down the rebel forces.
10 Great Star Wars Items
I forgot to post, up until now, that I have a new piece on InventorSpot. This one focuses on 10 goofy Star Wars items. If you haven’t happened to see it yet, please do stop by.
Mon Calamari wanna Leia sounds like a bad Hawaiian fish joke, but it’s actually a bad Star Wars wedding joke in this case. Man, I wish I was invited to go. I wonder if he took of the mask for the wedding night fun time.
Thanks Neatorama.
Too Much Good Stuff
I am in coolness overload with this awesome post on WebUrbanist featuring 20 examples
of fantastic geek art.
Mad props to the Firefox graffiti. Don’t forget to check out the skeltons of famous cartoon characters by Hyungkoo Lee.