Humor Sex Short Stories

Ema Enema: A Short Story

Here’s a silly story I wrote a long time ago with some very adult themes. It has a bit of a fairy tale edge to it, so it reads pleasantly. Let me know if you like it, many people will be weirded out by it.

Lol kittehs

Lol D’Jour

Mean mean panda

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Tasteless, Cruel and Yet, A Little Funny

Taking a tip from the legendary film “I’m Gonna Get You Sucker,” the Chinese have take the goldfish out of shoes and into key chains to support the Olympics. What better way to remember the coming together of different nations in sport than a small fish destined to die in a few days? Read more on this cruel, yet strangely giggle-inducing idea here.

BTW, yes, it probably is a fake, so it’s ok to laugh…just like the bonsai kittens.

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Weirdest Names Ever

I love this list from Neatorama featuring the 10 weirdest names ever. My favorites include:

• Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Pronounced “albin”).

• Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon (Dick Assman, bad Simpsons joke or poor fool with a bad name1640 – 1698). Nicholas’ shall we say “unique” name apparently ran in the family: his father was Praise-God Barbon

• @. And finally, let’s go full circle to “@,” pronounced “ai ta” or “love him” by an unidentified Chinese couple.


Toilet Training: A survival Guide For Public Restrooms

Names, numbers, pictures and dirty words are scattered across the walls. Trying to focus on the messages in a futile attempt to ignore the gagging scent radiating from the other unflushed stalls, you choose a stall. This one is the cleanest, though the seat is decorated with beads of urine. After flushing, you dash from the room to escape catching any additional germs.

Whether called a men’s/lady’s room, crapper, toilet or restroom, going to a public lavatory can be quite a terrifying experience. The above scene is all too common in San Francisco’s bathrooms, indicating only one thing;many Bay Area residents have never learned what to do once inside these fortresses of stink.

Fashion New Products or Services

Animal Hats That Look Like Your Hair -Wow

Doggy Hair

These hats are so great, they are perfect for a runway show, but I’ve gotta admit, if I had one, I’d wear it everywhere. Thanks InventorSpot.

Reviews Sex

The Perfect Book On Odd Fetishes: The Deviant’s Pocket Guide

The BookThe Deviant’s Pocket Guide To The Outlandish Sexual Desires Barely Contained In Your Subconscious is a glorious exploration into freeky deeky sexuality.

The old favorites, BDSM, necrophillia, etc., are all represented well here, but there’s so much more to love. As someone who loves searching the net to observe as many strange and funny obsessions as possible, it means a lot to say that this book has many fetishes I had never even thought of -such as nasophillia, the obsession of noses.

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart.” – E.E. Cummings (1894-1962)

Awesome sites

Love Vinyl Toys, You’ll Love Custom Toy Lab

Yummy munniesCustom Toy Lab has a selection of some of the coolest toys I’ve seen. From delicious Munnies to plush cheeseburgers, they have it all. You can search by artist, or, best of all, submit your own toy. Go play!

Awesome sites

Boing Boing Wins Again, another amazing link

Really, mammograms?Thanks Boing Boing for this link to glorious headlines that are totally goofed up. Love Love Love.

This one had me breathing funny to try not to bust out laughing in the middle of work. Come on, Mammograms and shoe repair? Spectacular.