New Products or Services

Best Dog Swim Suits of 2008

Def Cab Dog Pants?Just in time for summer, Inventor Spot has a list of the best dog bathing suits this summer. While it’s not the absolute cutest of all the options (as it’s for a boy dog and the dresses are amazing), I wanna get the one on the right for my little Percy dog. You may know him as Def Cab Dog.


Bob the Cow

There once was a cow named Bob
Carrots he liked to Rob
Big, bright beautiful carrots
Crispity, Crunchity Carrots
Then one day there was no more
So Bob walked to the store
He tried and tried to open the door
He opened it an inch, but no more
Suddenly it came to Bob
“I will steal corn on the cob”

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Enema Statue Unveiled At Russian Health Spa

Enema Statue FunA lot of my current traffic is brought in from people searching for enema stories, thanks to my innocent Ema Enema story. As a result, I thought this story would be an appropriate addition for you strange enema affectionados.

Neatorama has the story of a health spa in Russia that has unveiled a beautiful statue to celebrate their long time use of the enema as a healing practice. Goes the quote:

“We administer enemas nearly every day,” said Alexander Kharchenko, the head of the sanatorium which specializes in treating illnesses of the digestion tract.

“So, I thought, why not use our sense of humor and give it a monument,” he said of the bronze statue that stands about 1.5 meters high.

More power to you Khacrchenko. If you’re interested, the full story can be found here.

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“In the end, everything is a gag.” – Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977)

Short Stories

A Story Via Letters

I wrote this story a while ago, but I think it still depicts our modern society and human vs. corporate interactions. Let me know what you think if you read it all -it is rather long.


Great Film By Don Hertzfeldt, Ah, L’Amour

I love Mr. Hertzfeldt’s cartoons. You may already be familiar with “Billy’s Balloon” or “Rejected,” but now you can experience, “Ah, L’Amour.” Don’s exceptionally cluttered website can be found here.

This piece of work is too realistic, but it still has his sick and evil sense of humor pouring through it.

New Products or Services

Wanna Touch Boobies While Playing WOW?

titties bitchesHey all you anime fans, video game nerds and other losers who can never understand why they can’t pull a chick even though they still rely on virtual sunshine, here’s your chance to finally touch some titties. Rejoice geeks, Battical has informed the world of the existence of this 3D anime mouse pad available at will let you fondle your day away without having to bother with that pesky “talking to real people” thing.

At least it’s ergonomic.

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New Products or Services Travel

Japan’s Latest Fads That May Be Crossing Here

Advertising Age has a great list of products and services made popular in Japan, that may be imported into the US. My personal favorite, the ramen noodle spa.

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day

“I’ve had a wonderful time, but this wasn’t it.” – Groucho Marx (1895-1977)

Lol kittehs

Emo Death Cab For Cutie Dog Lolz

I noaw pozess ur heart

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