Awesome sites

Mail Order Husbands

This is by far one of the funniest websites I’ve seen, ever.

These dirt bags are availible at a wide range of prices. I love the compatability test and the article in Mail Order Brides Monthly. This is gold:

“Q: What does it cost the parties involved?

Art: It all depends on the demand. We have an excellent variety of quality bachelors, and the highest demand is for men around 30 years old with lots of hair. For example if you want to order a 52 year old bald man who has bad psioriasis, well then maybe $600.. but say we had a candidate that looked like a young Erik Estrada, well that kind of product doesn’t last long, we typically charge around $9,000.”

Awesome sites Humor Sex Travel

Fun in Japanese Porn Shops

Because I love you dear readers, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite blog posts on any site ever. A trip to a Japanese Sex Shop. Plus, there’s now an update with a link to all sorts of other disturbing sex items from Japan. You’ll either be tickled with humor or disgusted, so it’s certainly worth a trip to the post.


Cute Photos With Funny Critiques

I just discovered Fuck You, Penguin and I have to say, I love it. It cracks me up to read these silly criticisms of the animals I’ve come to love. You HAVE to check it out if you haven’t already.


No On Prop 8 Video

On top of having some great points, this video is super funny.

Hillariously bad cooking

This is too funny, these geeks try to cook a Ramsay disk and epicly fail. Enjoy and be sure to watch the explaination of what a souflee is!

Politics Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

New I.S. Article

I’m really proud of my newest InventorSpot article. It’s about 10 bacon products that have no actual food in them. While it’s not an item, I love the last picture in the peice enough to post it up here. It’s all about bacon defeating fries, although a bacon topped fries would be the ultimate power in office.

Awesome sites

Great Craigslist Ad

“Nemesis required. 6-month project with possibility to extend

I’ve been trying to think of ways to spice up my life. I’m 35 years old, happily married with two kids and I have a good job in insurance. But somethings missing…I need a challenge, something to get the adrenaline pumping again. An addiction would be nice, but, in short, I need a nemesis. I’m willing to pay $1000 up front for you services as an arch enemy over the next six months. Nothing crazy. Steal my parking space, knock my coffee over, trip me when Im running to catch the Trolley or a cab and occasionally whisper in my ear, “Ahha, we meet again”…Just keep me on my toes. Complacency will be the death of me…Evil sinister laugh preferred…British accent preferred. Thirst for Evil Required.”

Read more here. *Note: The link is now broken, as the ad was flagged.

Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Best Halloween Costume Eva

This costume rocks. Thanks Gigglesugar.

New Products or Services Politics

A Great Invention For Once

I know that I like to point out horribly stupid products here, but this one is purely brilliant. A friend of mine at InventorSpot has written about this beaut. And yes, it is what you think it is -a George W. urinal. I say Obama’s new campaign slogan should become “A chicken in every pot and a Bush in every can.”   Who knows, maybe the lowbrow humor would even attract some of those “Good Ol” boys who are afraid of a black person in office.


Kangaroo Man Loose in France!

by nqtv
This is seriously one of the most hilarious videos I’ve seen in a long long time. I was cracking up the whole time, which is rare for me. According to Neatorama, this prankster is famous in France and has pulled quite a few wonderfully silly stunts like this.
If you don’t think this is funny, you either have no sense of humor or you were mauled by a kangaroo as a child…either way, seek therapy.