Sickening Travel

When The Police Pose As Terrorists

Here’s a thought, if you work for a police agency that specializes in air travel, don’t test your screeners by using real explosives planted on unwitting tourists. The Slovakian air police did just this and one of the eight explosives was not detected and the poor Irish tourist was arrested near the end of his journey. It wasn’t until three days later that the Slovak police got in touch with their Irish counterparts and told them to let the man out of jail.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Things are more like they are now than they have ever been.” -Gerald R. Ford

Fact of the Day:
There is no solid evidence that the $5.6 billion annual cost of airport screening is effective in preventing terrorist incidents. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Annual Soapy Smith Wake in Alaska and Hollywood.

Link of the Day:
101 picnic dishes that take under 20 minutes. Yum.