Is it just me, or do they need to revamp the show with people acting out the roles of robots?
Tag: robots
Is decorating you Easter eggs becoming too monotonous? Step into the future with the automatic egg decorating machine, the Egg Bot.
Daily Goodness
Quote of the Day:
“The perils of duck hunting are great – especially for the duck.” -Walter Cronkite
Fact of the Day:
The first person to survive going over Niagara Falls in a barrel wasn’t a young male daredevil, but rather a 63-year-old schoolteacher named Annie Edson Taylor. –Source
Today’s Holiday:
Frank Zappa Day -so rock out with your rooster out….wait a minute!
Link of the Day:
30 silly robot laws by Asimov. If you don’t get them, don’t feel bad, you’re just not ever allowed to call yourself a geek.