Interesting Politics

Lisa Lampanelli Fights Homophobia

I’ve always thought the best way to deal with the Westboro Baptist Church was to ignore them like the trolls they are, knowing they will go away if people stop paying attention to them. But Lisa Lampanelli has managed to find an even better solution -offering $1000 to an anti-homophobia charity for every antisemitic, gay-bashing moron the church sent to protest her show. In the end, she donated $44,000 in the group’s name to the GMHC.

Image via harbor88 [Flickr]


Google Is Racist


I know technically it’s not Google, it’s the people searching for these terms all the time, but damn, that’s messed up. Thanks Now That’s Nifty.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Photo by Flickr User Magnus Canis
Photo by Flickr User MagnusCanis

Quote of the day:
“We may freak out globally, but we suffer locally.” -Jonathan Franzen

Fact of the Day:
Banjos became popular in white society only after minstrel shows used them to lampoon blacks. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Step Family day

Link of the Day:
10 interesting savants.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“If you want your writing to be taken seriously, don’t marry and have kids, and above all, don’t die. But if you have to die, commit suicide. They approve of that.” -Ursula K. Le Guin

Fact of the Day:
The term “moron” comes from the eugenic movement. Coined by Henry Goddard, an early eugenic founder, it comes from the Greek word moros, meaning “stupid and foolish.” We use the term lightly these days as a kind of vague, almost teasing insult. For Goddard and the eugenic community, a “moron” was anyone deemed unfit for life and indeed a target to be eliminated. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Bison-Ten-Yell Day -I have no idea what this means.

Link of the Day:
Ever want to race in heels? I would eat crap in about a minute. Still, it’s fun to watch.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” -Harry S Truman

Fact of the Day:
In Virginia, from 1984 to 2000, Martin Luther King was honored on the same day as two guys who have very different legacies: Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The state holiday was known as “Lee-Jackson-King Day –Source

Today’s Holiday:
International Youth Day –youngsters rejoice, old men hide.

Link of the Day:
This silly deer followed the dog home through the doggy door. Must have been a surprise for his owner.

Awesome sites

The Naughty Side Of Disney

I’ve always promised myself that as soon as I got a 100% on a Mental Floss Quiz I would share it with all of you. I’m so glad then, that this is the quiz I happened to do so well on, because it is awesome.

I love the occasional seemingly racist or sexual things you find in Disney films. That being said, I highly recommend you all go take this quiz.

Disney gone blue?

Score: 100% (10 out of 10)


One World One Dream -No Blacks

Following all the protests against China’s gross civil rights records, their government decided to throw some blatant racism onto the fire by banning Blacks and Mongolians from bars by the games.

Never mind how many blacks will be participating in the games…no, they’re all aparently “social undesirables.”

I hope everyone in the Chinese government has already reserved their spots in heaven, because they’ve got no chance of getting in without paying.