Geekery Interesting Politics

10 Awesome Flashmobs

I tend to think most flashmobs are just kind of silly, but it’s hard to deny the impressiveness of this group of break dancing pregnant women who are trying to make a point about the dangers of pregnancy in the third world. Catch more cool flashmobs over at Oddee.

Funny Lol kittehs Politics

Osama Bin Laden Memes

It was only a matter of time before this historical moment was transcended into the world of LOL.

Art Funny Politics

Ron English Takes On Border Policy

Ron English has some serious thoughts on US border policy. Fortunately, his method of expressing these beliefs is filled with his usual lighthearted, thought-provoking artwork.

Entertainment Interesting Politics

Cosmo For The Terrorist Woman?

Perhaps it’s just me, but if I was expected to wear a burqa whenever I left the house, I wouldn’t care too much about my looks, which is why Al Queda’s new magazine, Al-Shamikha, dubbed the “Jihad Cosmo” doesn’t seem like much of a threat. Sure women may be interested in the group’s cause, but I don’t think you’re going to get a lot of readership from women that are asked not to display their beauty and to dress in plain fashions by offering them a magazine filled with beauty and fashion tips.

Thanks to reader Ashley for the tip!

Funny Politics Travel

Restaurant Refuses To Serve TSA

How can you take a stand against the TSA without ending up on the no-fly list? Deny them service at your restaurant. If enough people refused to work with the agents, people will stop accepting jobs as TSA workers -and the government will have to rethink their idiotic policies.

Image via billypalooza [Flickr]

Funny Politics

Charity Solicitors Cards

If you’re sick of canvassers sitting outside your local shopping centers and harassing you to support something you already care about but don’t want to sign up for right then, these cards can serve as a great response.

Interesting Politics Quizes

What Can You Remember?

I’m terrible at current events, which is why I only got two questions right on this quiz. See if you’ve already forgotten the year with this year-in-review quiz on Mental Floss.

History Politics Science

Drugs Are Good For You

Ok, well not all drugs are good for all people, but this article over at Oddee has some interesting ways that illegal drugs may be surprisingly good for some people in terms of medicine.


The TSA’s Definately Gone Wild

TSA Gone Wild
Via: Criminal Justice Degree


The Silly Hobbies of 6 Brutal Dictators

Did you know Saddam loved to write crappy romance novels or that Osama loves volleyball? Learn more absurd facts about some of the most terrifying men on earth with this funny Cracked article.