Most animals scooped up by hungry eagles have the unfortunate fate of becoming the bird’s next meal, but one fortunate poodle ended up being inadvertently rescued when an eagle scooped him up from an abuse home and accidentally dropped him right over a nursing home. The workers of the home took the pup in to the ASPCA, who was only able to rescue the dog from its negligent home because of the eagle kidnapping.
Tag: pets
Cats In Tanks
7 Animal Station Masters
You may have already heard of Tama, Japan’s famous feline stationmaster, but since her success, many other animals have been honored with the position. WebEcoist has more on the monkeys, dogs, goats and more who have become stationmasters in their home towns.
Guinea Pig Swimming Pool
This just might be the cutest image I’ve seen all month.
This may have been seen on Cute Overload, but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying.
It’s hard not to love these captioned photos explaining why cats would make terrible doctors. Of course, if dogs were doctors, they’d start sniffing the patient’s butts, licking up blood spills and chasing anything that gets thrown in the hazardous waste bin.
And there are plenty more on Ihasahotdog.