Interesting Politics Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

6 Idoitic School Safety Measures

Sure, we need to protect our children from violence and perverts, but banning all cameras from school and preventing them from touching each other aren’t reasonable solutions. Read about more stupid security measures over at Cracked.

Funny Science Sickening

The Most Disturbing X Rays Ever

People put some terrible things in their poopers. If you’ve ever wanted to see terrible X-Rays of such things and hear the stories about them, you’re sick. Regardless, Asylum has you covered.


10 Utterly Strange Fetishes

Over on Oddee, I recently wrote about the 10 weirdest fetishes on Earth. Go check them out for a good laugh!

Humor Sex Sickening

Man Recreates Ex As A Sex Doll

When a normal person loses his girlfriend, he is forced to get over her. But when a ridiculously rich man gets dumped, he has options.  A 50 year old man who was recently rejected took a play right out or Lars and The Real Girl by recreating his girlfriend as a realistic sex doll with all of her best virtues, only bigger breasts. Let’s just hope he’s at least not taking her out on dates.


Best License Plate Ever


Am I the only one severely disturbed by this? Like GiggleSugar said, at least he’s announcing it.


WTF of the Day

Thank you Giggle Sugar for this tremendously traumatizing image that is certain to scar me for life. If this is the costume you and your family are planning to wear, please tell me that under these costumes you look like a Barbie Doll and can’t precreate further.

Humor Sex Sickening Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

5 Sex Toys That Should Not Exist

I know that human sexuality is a beautiful, bizarre and complex thing, but as accepting and non-judgmental as I try to be, some things are just not right. There are certain sex inventions that should not be created, sold or used. Why someone would invent these things is weird enough, but the fact that all kinds of people are buying them is even stranger.

New Products or Services Travel

Public Trasportation That’s Not Public

If you’re like me, you’ll love this concept of trains with private seating pods. I think it would be ideal if two people could mutually agree to open their pods together if you’re traveling together, but traveling alone is a far, far improvement over the existing “hope a stranger doesn’t molest or rob you” method of public transit. Of course, maybe I just like that idea because I’m anti-social.

The one drawback I really see as impassable, what do you do with the pervs and junkies who violate the very privacy they long for?