By now, you probably know way more than you want to know about our current presidential candidates. You probably even know a little bit about some of our more recent presidents and the more famous historical presidents, but do you know much about Rutherford B. Hayes or Martin Van Buren? Chances are you don’t know much about either of them, but you’re in luck because this great Today I Found Out video can offer you a little more information on each of our 44 presidents.
Tag: people

The San Diego Comic Con took place last weekend and like always, there were tons and tons of beautiful babes in skimpy and sexy costumes. Here are a few of our favorites:
Perhaps some of the most impressive costumes were those created by Castle Corsetry based on the Avengers and designed with a Victoria’s Secret Angels theme.
Here is the lovely  (and incredibly sexy) Loretta Vamps in some of her amazing vinyl creations from the convention:
This Harley was portrayed by Anilyn Cosplay
And boy were there some hot Harleys there this year
And Ivy is always a babe
And even Joker was looking mighty fine
There were plenty of heroines to make your eyes boggle too
Seriously, there was way too much hotness to go around
And here are a few sexy gents for the ladies to ogle:
And here’s a little something for everyone:
Not enough hotties for you? Then don’t miss our past galleries of hot comic con cosplayers from 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2008 and the sexy male costumes from 2012 and 2011. And don’t miss the rest of the great costumes from this year’s comic con as well.
Because a man that weird deserved artwork in his name to be equally wonderfully bizarre.
You’d be amazed how good this beard looks on some of these historical people and celebrities.
These snail shells are stunning, but is it really worth killing off a whole species just to make jewelry from them? Some idiots think so. Read about more animals that are extinct for stupid reasons over at Cracked.
“Reflections” On The Past
It’s hard not to love these amazing pictures of older folks reflecting on their younger selves in the mirror.
Mark Laita’s Created Equal
Photographer Mark Laita’s Created Equal series is brilliant in its depictions of two contrasting members of society. This one features a crack whore and an escort.
These people are insane. They eat nettle for a contest. I’ve touched nettle and that was bad enough. Having it in your mouth? Ack! It makes me shiver. The winner ate a whopping 64 feet of nettle which is nowhere close to the record of 76 feet.
Psychosis is treatable. Seek help people.
Weirdest Names Ever
I love this list from Neatorama featuring the 10 weirdest names ever. My favorites include:
• Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (Pronounced “albin”).
• Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon (1640 – 1698). Nicholas’ shall we say “unique” name apparently ran in the family: his father was Praise-God Barbon
• @. And finally, let’s go full circle to “@,” pronounced “ai ta” or “love him” by an unidentified Chinese couple.