Food Geekery Interesting

Octo- Octo- Pie! I Want to Eat an Octo Pizza Pie!


Talk about a tasty little treat, nothing says pizza time like pepperoni tentacles!

Animals Nature

Rock Out With the Little Octopus Song

Oh little octopus walking across the rock…you’re such a brave little guy. Here’s a song just for you.

Food Holidays

A Delicious Halloween Dinner

Pot pies are always tasty, but with a little bit of tentacle flair they can also be adapted into excellent Halloween entrees.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“A man of personality can formulate ideals, but only a man of character can achieve them.” -Herbert Read

Fact of the Day:
The only woman who pitched in major league baseball struck out Babe Ruth in her first game, after which, the commissioner of the league canceled her contract because he thought the sport was “too strenuous for women.” –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Mad Hatter Day

Link of the Day:
Learn how awesome octopi are.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Fact of the Day:
Alaska is not only the largest state in America, it is bigger than California, Texas and Montana combined. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Aviation Day -too bad flying sucks these days.

Link of the Day:
6 octopus chandeliers that rock.