Humor Interesting Lol kittehs Politics

More Pepper Spraying Cop Meme

They’re so funny because they’re just so wrong.

Interesting Politics Sickening

Anonymous Takes On Pepper Sprayer

You’ve no doubt seen videos or photos of students at UC Davis being peppersprayed by a douchebag cop (hell, there’s even a meme of it already), but you might not know that anonymous has decided to take action against him. Here’s a fraction of their message against him:

Citizens of the world, flood his home phone at 530-752-3989.
Flood his cell phone at 530-979-0184.
Flood his email at,
Flood his home with pizza deliveries and junk mail at 4005 Cowell Boulevard. Apartment #616. Davis, California 95618.
Flood his skype at japike3.
Flood his phones, email and mailbox to voice your anger.
Flood the campus of U.C. Davis.
Flood the streets of the world and stand up for your rights, and against injustice.

Whether or not you agree with Occupy, you should be able to agree that no one should be peppersprayed simply for peacefully protesting.

Interesting Politics Weird news

Meanwhile, At Occupy Toronto

That’s right, while American protesters are arrested, harassed and beaten by cops, Canadians have squirt gun fights with their officers.