Entertainment Geekery Humor Movies TV Videos

A Naughty Video Featuring A Dirty Doctor

I’m not familiar with this song, but when combined with all these great Doctor Who clips, I can’t help but love it.

Geekery Videos

F- Me Ray Bradbury

Speaking of great authors, while I do have a definitive lust for the written word, I have to say that I would never actually want to make love to Ray Bradbury or Kurt Vonnegut, no matter how much I adore their works.

Funny enough, there is an image of Ray Bradbury watching this steamy video tribute to his greatness. Something tells me he wouldn’t turn her down.

Entertainment Humor Sickening

Terrible nineties videos

Man, the nineties was a bad era for music. For a reminder of just how bad, you might want to see this list of 10 awesomely terrible ninties one hit wonders. Some of these I had forgotten until now…of course, not Right Said Fred, I karaoked this band the night I met my true love. Ahh, romancing to “I’m too sexy,” it must be love right?