Funny Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

The World’s Laziest Inventions

Is lifting a teapot just too much work for you? Then perhaps you need the tilting teapot pourer or one of the other lazy people inventions in this Woman’s Day article.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the day:
“There is always room for coincidence.” -Carsten Nicolai

Fact of the Day:
The term “goose bumps” was originally slang for the red bumps caused by venereal diseases. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Be Late For Something Day -woohoo, I do this every day!

Link of the Day:
Passive aggressive notes are annoying, yet strangely amusing.

Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“Light purple isn’t called light purple, it’s called lavender.” –An annoying mom overheard at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.

Fact of the Day:
Enough sunlight strikes the face of the earth in one hour to

satisfy the entire globe’s energy needs for a year. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Work Like A Dog Day –I think I’ll work like my dog, and by that, I mean sleep and eat all day.

Link of the Day:
This has been circulating the interwebz for a while now, but if you still haven’t seen 9 Reasons Not to Date A T Rex yet, please do click. It’s adorable and brilliant.