Lol kittehs

Happy St. Patrick’s Day


Image from Miss Celina’s site.


Cute Inner-species Love

When all of Gladys the chicken’s relatives got eatten by a fox, her owners started to bring her inside to keep her safe. At that point, she made an unlikely best friend, the owner’s house cat, Snowy. The kitty and chicken friends are adorable! –Go Look!


Teach Kids & Socialize Kitties

funny pictures

Now there are some goals I can get behind.  Austin has created a new program where students can read out loud to cats. It helps children learn and feel comfortable reading aloud and it helps socialize cats. One adorable little boy read to the cats and summarized the experience by saying, “They started fighting each other. Big tails and hissing. They don’t appear to be doing it right now. I think they like this book better: ‘Monkey for Sale.’ “

Awesome sites

I’m in Love…With A Shirt

To be more specific, this absolutely, wonderful kitty laser vission shirt made by Threadless. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I love Threadless. If you wanna see more, visit