Animals Lol kittehs Videos

Cats In Tanks

I don’t know about you, but just seeing kitties in these paper tanks is enough to make me all giggly.

Animals Interesting Videos

An Owl And Cat Friendship

This is some seriously adorable stuff here people.

Animals Funny Lol kittehs

Cats That Look Like Hitler

There’s nothing wrong with kitlers, just like there’s nothing wrong with admitting that they do, indeed, carry a striking resemblance to the world’s most famous fascist.

Animals Funny Videos

Work It Out Kitty

Animals Holidays Videos

Kitty Says “Happy Easter”

Animals Geekery Lol kittehs

Star Wars Meets Lol Cats

Buzz Feed’s collection of cats blended with Star Wars is just as awesome as you should expect.

Animals Funny Lol kittehs

These Cats Want to Kill You

Dark Roasted Blend has more on the murderous cats out there.

Animals Funny Videos

Time For Some Cuteness

Kitty just does not understand the transparent forcefield at work here.

Animals Lol kittehs

The Internet’s New Favorite Fat Cat

Watch out Maru, there’s a new competitor after your position as the internet’s favorite kitty. Giuly is causing quite a stir on the net, as he’s proven to be a shockingly popular model on owner bagonville chiara’s Flickr stream.


Cat Sucks At Drinking Water

Silly kitty. The sink is no place for you.