Funny Holidays Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

12 Bad Valentine’s Day Gifts

If you want out of your relationship, but are too much of a chicken to say anything, you can always try buying your guy or gal any of these terrible gifts.

Animals New Products or Services

Adorable 2011 Calendars

If you’re looking for a new calendar this year, may I suggest these wonderful dog and cat calendars rounded up by the always wonderful Lady Bee.

Funny Holidays Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

15 Horrible Holiday Gifts

If you’re ready for Christmas shopping, then enjoy the spirit of commercialism with this hilarious article on terrible Christmas gifts.


Texas Readers, Listen To KURV on Wed

If you live in Texas and can pick up 710 KURV, listen in on Wednesday around 7:40 to hear me give an interview about the 15 Worst Valentine’s Day Gifts I wrote about on InventorSpot. They don’t have a listen live online feature, so the rest of you will just have to deal with not hearing my horrible radio voice.

Politics Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

New I.S. Article

I’m really proud of my newest InventorSpot article. It’s about 10 bacon products that have no actual food in them. While it’s not an item, I love the last picture in the peice enough to post it up here. It’s all about bacon defeating fries, although a bacon topped fries would be the ultimate power in office.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

InventorSpot Article

My first article as a featured blogger on InventorSpot is up. Learn more about the prayer booth here.

New Products or Services

My First Article At InventorSpot

I’m going to start blogging over at InventorSpot (don’t worry, I won’t abandon you here). I’m really excited about this and I’m a huge fan of their site, so it’s my pleasure to see my first official blog posted over there.

It’s all about the EcoJohn incinerating toilet. Go check it out and leave me a little comment. I’ll be happy to hear from you!

Fashion New Products or Services

Animal Hats That Look Like Your Hair -Wow

Doggy Hair

These hats are so great, they are perfect for a runway show, but I’ve gotta admit, if I had one, I’d wear it everywhere. Thanks InventorSpot.