RTD Original Science Sickening

3 Terrifying Doctors Who Practiced Medicine for Years


Doctors are supposed to be there to help their patients, but sometimes they have other things on their mind. These terrible doctors traumatized their patients with gross violations of the Hippocratic Oath.

The Pediatrician Who Molested and Raped His Young Patients

Every parent wants to make sure their child is happy, which is why a good pediatrician is so important. But just because someone has a license and a successful practice doesn’t mean they should be left around your kids.

Described my news outlets as “the worst pedophile in American history,” Earl Brian Bradley is every parent’s nightmare as he used his position as a pediatrician to molest and rape over 100 child patients -some as young as 3 months old.

From the outside, Bradley’s office looked like a great place to get your child comfortable around doctors, with carnival rides, a small theater showing Disney films and all kinds of kid-friendly decorations. For almost ten years Bradley worked in the town of Lewes, Deleware, but then Bradley’s own sister informed the state’s medical society of patient complaints about the doctor’s inappropriate touching of their children. In 2009, Bradley was arrested and accused of nine counts of inappropriate touching including the fourth degree rape of a two-year-old patient. Then police found more than 13 hours of video footage from the doctor’s office showing even more rapes and molestations. If you worry about your health these fit after 50 reviews can help your build a workout routine.

Eventually, Bradley was charged with 471 charges of molestation, rape and child-exploitation. He was convicted for every charge and sentenced to 14 consecutive life terms plus 165 years in prison without parole.

The Doctor Who Modified Patients’ Vaginas Without Consent

If women have been having sex and delivering babies since humanity began, their anatomy is probably just fine when it comes to those two things, but Dr. James C. Burt disagreed with nature, writing, ”women are structurally inadequate for intercourse. This is a pathological condition amenable to surgery.”  The surgery in question was one he specially created that he believed would turn women into ”horny little mice” by increasing their sexual responsiveness. More specifically, he would remove the hood of the clitoris, reposition the vagina, move the urethra and alter the walls between the rectum and the vagina.

In fact, the surgery often left women with sexual dysfunctions, scarring, permanent physical damage and chronic infections of the kidney bladder and vagina, but that didn’t stop Dr. Burt from experimenting on hundreds of women without their permission over the course of 22 years  -usually after a pregnancy. ”The patient,” he wrote, ”had not been informed that anything more had been done to her than delivery and episiotomy and repair, or ”Yes, you had stitches with your delivery.’ ” It’s worth noting that the doctor was never even certified by American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology nor was he a licensed surgeon.

When his crimes finally caught up with him, he claimed his accusers were ”dissatisfied women who may have had complications, who may be lying, who may have had positive feelings turn negative when forced to pay the bill and women who stand to make a lot of money from the lies.” Despite his claims of innocence, the doctor voluntarily surrendered his license in 1989 and later declared bankruptcy after multiple lawsuits left him owing $21 million. Amazingly, Burt never faced criminal charges for his acts and died in 2002 without ever once seeing the inside of a jail cell.

The Doctor Who Impregnated Patients With His Own Sperm

When a woman goes to a fertility doctor seeking artificial insemination, she’s not asking the doctor to donate his own sperm -but that’s just what Cecil Byran Jacobson did in anywhere between 15 and 75 cases. Despite having no specialist training in infertility medicine, Jacobson operated his own reproductive genetics center. During his time as a doctor there, he offered to help artificially inseminate patients with sperm from screened, anonymous donors -only the samples weren’t from anonymous men, they were from the doctor himself. As if that weren’t bad enough, in one case the doctor even switched his sperm out with the husband of a women undergoing the procedure. At least fifteen of Jacobson’s  patients have discovered the doctor fathered their children and some estimate there are up to 75 kids in this world that were born thanks to the doctor’s unethical practices.

Jacobson maintains that he acted in the right and that he only supplied samples when donors failed to show up and a patient was about to complete her fertility window -and in the case where the woman’s husband was supposed to supply the sample, he claims it was a simple mix up in the laboratory. Despite his claims and appeals, the doctor was convicted of 52 counts of mail fraud, wire fraud and perjury. Surprisingly though, he was only sentenced to five years in prison and the loss of his medical license and has been out of prison since 1997.

Wanna read more medical horror stories? Then don’t miss this Oddee article featuring eight doctors that seem to have been sent from hell.

It’s good to know that you can have special treatment for some conditions. If you wish to treat Hypogonadism, you can speak to a medical expert and have your treatment delivered regularly.

Image via paul

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