Funny Geekery Holidays

Never Carol With Yoda

Thanks Laughing Squid.

Geekery Holidays

Geektastically Wonderful Wreaths

This computer component wreath is a perfect way to get into a geeky holiday spirit. Of course, so is this Star Wars toy wreath.

Animals Holidays

Christmas Tree Powered By Eel

If you ever wondered how much power an electric eel actually has, you can rest assured it is at least enough to power a Christmas tree.

Animals Holidays

Merry Christmas Week

In celebration of Christmas, this week’s posts will be entirely focused on the holiday, starting with this great guinea pig costume. You may recognize this seamstress’ work from South Park. She also sells similarly adorable bunny and dog costumes.

Funny Geekery

Delightfully Twisted Snowmen Round Up

There’s nothing like a good old fashioned snowman, except a hilariously disturbed one. If you like funny snowmen, be sure to check out this gallery on WebUrbanist, these awesome Calvin and Hobbes snowman comics, this “Rejected”-inspired snowman and this wonderful Mental Floss roundup.

Food Holidays

Winchester Mystery Gingerbread

What’s better than a regular gingerbread house? A haunted one! See more weird gingerbread houses on this great Mental Floss post.

Holidays Lol kittehs

Save Room For Pumpkin Pie

Happy Thanksgiving!

Funny Holidays Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

15 Horrible Holiday Gifts

If you’re ready for Christmas shopping, then enjoy the spirit of commercialism with this hilarious article on terrible Christmas gifts.

Animals Holidays

Happy Halloween

For more cute meerkat Halloween pictures, visit Daily Mail.


What NOT to Get Your Mother This Sunday

Mother’s Day is coming up and while I’m working hard to promote my post Environmental Graffiti, I would love for you to read this article about terrible Mother’s Day gifts I wrote for InventorSpot.