History Interesting Politics Videos

Interesting Facts About Every US President

(Video Link)

By now, you probably know way more than you want to know about our current presidential candidates. You probably even know a little bit about some of our more recent presidents and the more famous historical presidents, but do you know much about Rutherford B. Hayes or Martin Van Buren? Chances are you don’t know much about either of them, but you’re in luck because this great Today I Found Out video can offer you a little more information on each of our 44 presidents.

Advertising Entertainment Geekery Interesting

Mermaid Cosplay Is Amazing


Posted in association with Mermaids Millions

The term cosplay was coined in 1984 by Nobuyuki from Studio Hard at the World Science Fiction Convention in Los Angeles. While the idea was nothing new, the term has taken off and the amount of cosplay enthusiasts has grown dramatically since the early nineties, even leaking into mainstream culture. Every year Japan runs a cosplay convention called Comiket, drawing in hundreds of thousands of people who love to dress up as their favorite anime, J-pop and video game heroes. The potential is limitless; anything goes, whether it’s Abraham Lincoln or GlaDOS.


This year an estimated 130,000 attended San Diego Comic Con, their maximum capacity. Although it is primarily comic-focused, Comic Con like many current day conventions encompasses all elements of geek culture, and then some. While many will dress as Batman, Superman or Wonder Woman, there is so much room for creativity that just as standard, you will almost definitely see steampunk and gender reversal versions of well-known characters. As an unspoken rule, anything goes; conventions tend to attract a wide variety of people from different backgrounds, drawn together through the fandom.


For some cosplayers, it can be an expensive and time-consuming hobby. People spend thousands of dollars making their costumes with fairly serious attention, including fantasy weapon replicas and full costumes. It’s common practice to pose for photos, with some even making their hobby into a full-time job; professional mermaids for instance work at children’s parties and swim on camera with functioning tales made from monofins wrapped in wet-suit materials. If you’re not a professional or haven’t been lucky enough to win at mermaid millions while indulging your mermillion obsession and need to go with something a little cheaper, costumes can be made at home out of cardboard and duct tape: money isn’t important at a con and while expensively made costumes will draw attention, it’s more about creativity and dedication than flash.


Most people just wear the costumes, but some players aim to take on the persona of their character. Heroes have provided role-models for many young people and for a weekend it can be great fun to forget their normal lives and try something more exciting. Not everyone has the time or creative skill to create a costume, but any hints at geek culture are generally appreciated at conventions; wearing a subtle fan t-shirt, or adapting logos and themes from costumes into jewelry and other accessories may not get you as much notice as a full costume but will earn you a few knowing nods.

Images courtesy of Flickr users Chip York, Nicole Ciaramella, megadem and, again, megadem, respectively.

Fashion History

Absurd Vintage Hairstyles

We tend to always think of people from the past having great style, but that’s mostly because we only see pictures of those who happened to be in the limelight. These pictures of terrible daguerrotype hair styles are a good reminder that no matter what the time period, there were some seriously atrocious styles.

Entertainment Geekery History

The Colorful History of Video Games

History Interesting Politics

5 Crazy Ways Fear of Masturbation Changed The World

You already know that masturbation is a bit taboo in today’s society. As it turns out though, the fear of masturbation has actually changed the world itself in many an important manner.

History Humor Interesting Politics

The Historical 53%

The 53% supporters seem to think they they are a noble movement here to put an end to those whiny, lazy 99%ers, but the thing is, they were here during past movements and their voices were just as idiotic then.

I spend fourteen hours a days willowing ostrich feathers so that rich women can wear attractive hats. Because they want to wear these hats, I am able to HAVE A JOB. I used to make 15 cents an hour, but now there are so many young girls in the business that I only make seven or eight cents. The boss tells us that we will soon be paid only five cents.


Also, my boss will fire or rape me if I complain.

Read the rest of this great historical satire over at Lawyers, Guns and Money.

Hoaxes Humor

Messings With FaceBook Friends

Let’s face it, everyone has someone they don’t particularly like on their FaceBook page, and often, that’s because that person is at least a little stupid. Fortunately, they can be fun to have on your page as long as you’re willing to mess with them like this guy did.

Animals Art Humor Lol kittehs

Adding Fat Cats To Classic Art

This is what would have happened if the classic artists of the past had access to the internet.

History Interesting

The True Story of Two Famous Female Pirates

If you’ve never heard of Anne Bonny and Mary Read, then you owe it to yourself to read this delightful article on the two pirating women. Even if you know a little about them though, this article is still a fascinating read.

History Interesting

4 Long Forgotten Wild West Figures

We’ve all heard of Wyatt Earp and Jesse James, but Frontierado has highlighted four figures from the period that we should all know about, but we don’t. It’s a fascinating read.