Awesome sites

Happy 4/20


Hopefully you aren’t so high you’re seeing giant colored animals everywhere, that is, unless you’re in certain parts of Europe, where they are a real and legitamate art project.


Oh, and since tomorrow’s Earth Day, you may as well check out these awesomely strange eco-friendly products like the wood-powered hot tub. So relaxing.

New Products or Services Travel

Public Trasportation That’s Not Public

If you’re like me, you’ll love this concept of trains with private seating pods. I think it would be ideal if two people could mutually agree to open their pods together if you’re traveling together, but traveling alone is a far, far improvement over the existing “hope a stranger doesn’t molest or rob you” method of public transit. Of course, maybe I just like that idea because I’m anti-social.

The one drawback I really see as impassable, what do you do with the pervs and junkies who violate the very privacy they long for?

Daily Goodness

Fact of the Day

Plastic bags require 40% less energy to produce than paper bags. –Source