Funny Giveaways RTD Original

Contest: Make Use of This Useless Image

Stock images are useful for writers and editors who need an illustration to illustrate their article. That’s why photographers for stock image websites often try to create pictures that will suit every imaginable situation. The thing is, sometimes it’s impossible to guess just what the image was supposed to illustrate in the first place. BuzzFeed has a collection of 60 great stock images that seem entirely useless, so let’s make a game of it.

You have until May 19th to come up with any type of situation that this image could help illustrate. Winner will receive a can of homemade jam, one of my well-maintained, pre-owned books or $5, your choice.

Animals Giveaways

Congrats to Zeon Santos

He won the Valentine’s Day Kissing Animals contest and will be receiving a free tee shirt courtesy of 604Republic. Zeon entered before we loosened up the entry requirements and even included an adorable photo of kissing marmots found on Sylvain Dudoit’s Flickr stream.

No one has entered on 604’s Flickr account still, so the first person to add their site and then tag any post with #kissingcritters will win a free shirt.

Animals Giveaways Holidays RTD Original

14 Adorable Animal Kissing Photos

These absolutely precious animals certainly know how to keep things romantic. In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, we want to see your cutest critter kisses. So we’ve partnered up with the tee-shirt company 604Republic to reward you for showing off your romantic side.

UPDATE: Because we weren’t getting enough entries, we’ve changed the rules of the contest. To enter, just start following 604Republic on Twitter or like their Facebook page, then leave a message on their Facebook page or compose any tweet with the hashtag #kissingcritters. That’s it and good luck.

One person from each service will be chosen at random on Saturday the 19th to win a free tee-shirt of his or her choice from 604Republic –a great gift for your special someone, or a nice way to treat yourself. Winners (and their picture submissions) will be posted here after the contest is over.

Now on with our cute animal pictures:

Image via Spicuzza [Flickr]

Image via Muzina Shanghai [Flickr]

Image via BekiPe [Flickr]

Image via Foxtongue [Flickr]

Image via Lovehate [Flickr]

Image via Muzina Shanghai [Flickr]

Image via Wolfy! [Flickr]

Image via Athene8 [Flickr]

Image via Piez [Flickr]

Image via CornholioLU [Flickr]

Image via zund [Flickr]

Image via Vectorlyme [Flickr]

Image via Magnusvk [Flickr]

Image via Tambako The Jaguar [Flickr]


Winner of the Weird Links Contest

We’ve come to an end of our lovely weird links contest and it’s now my responsibility to share the links, the winners and all that good stuff.

There were 5 total links submitted, ranging from seriously just bizzare to exceptionally disturbing. Personally, I liked them all. Since there can be only winner though, I have chosen the one that not only has some of the most pointless and strange, yet wannabe political, content I have ever seen, it also has the distinction of having one of the most stupid and just bizzare URLs ever. Honestly, it was a close call and having that domain address helped it pull into the lead. So without further ado, I give you the winner, “Arnold Sailormoongger” submitted by Naskar. You now are the proud owner of a copy of Choke.