I love this post on the Times Uk site with 29 of the world’s most bizzare animals. The one above is a proboscis monkey, they have amazing noses don’t they?
Tag: funny
Elvis Stormtroopers Sing Evil

This was one of my favorite Comic Con 2009 moments. The gentleman on the left is the famed Elvis Trooper.
Hope you all like it.
Decisions Decisions Contest!
Few of you know this, but I have the sick, self-loathing drive to be a stand up comedian. As a result, I get annoyed when people try really hard to be funny and just fall flat…it’s double when the person is a woman because I am annoyed with how unfunny women tend to be.
Anyway, I was listening to the radio this morning and they had a contest where the person with the funniest reasons for their answers to two questions would win a prize. The contestant’s answers were miserable. I know I could do way better and I think you readers could as well.
So, the first person with answers I deem to be funnier than my own will receive a prize -be sure to leave your real email in the comments so I can contact you for your address and whatnot.
Here’s the questions:
What’s the best invention: a hot tub or an internal combustion engine? Same question only: the internet, condoms or birth control?
My answers: An engine is better because it’s a lot easier to clean sperm out of it. The internet’s better because my vibrator is completely useless with the other two.
Can you beat it?
P.S. Image Via Lian Ferrell [Flickr]
Terribly Translated Splog
I got a trackback today from a post that blatantly stole my Neatorama content. Funny enough, I think it was translated into Thai before they put it back into English and the language is horrible. It’s too funny.
As farther as merch goes, here’s a enthusiastic place on things acquirable there at Boing Boing Gadgets, digit for the colossus Stitch radical toys on display, and digit for general stuff seen at the con. And digit for things terminal year.
Lastly, if you meet poverty to wager whatever more cute girls at Comic Con, there’s digit for that too.
I’d put a link up so you could read the whole thing, but I don’t want to give them extra SEO power. If you want to read it, just copy the text above and paste it into google…it’s pretty funny.
This Gorilla Has A Message
This picture, via Cute Overload, goes out to the spammers out there.
Wedding Dresses Made of Balloons
I know a lot of you like the wedding posts on here. Here’s a good one about wedding dresses completely made from balloons. I would totally wear some of the designs on this site. Would you?
BBC Exposes Fake Psychics
Ever wonder how psychics get the info they use to impress their clients? The BBC did a great, comical expose of fake psychics using a made up ghost story posted on the internet.It’s a very entertaining thing to watch.
WTF? Taxidermy
Neatorama has turned me on to one of the most disturbing Live Journal communities I’ve seen in a while. WTF? Taxidermy certainly does live up to its name. See example above for details. Why would you do that to a deer butt? Why?
The real problem with tasers isn’t the danger they pose to people who get hit with the shock, it’s that they just aren’t cute enough. Finally, a real solution. How awesome would it be to see cops carrying these? If they were legal in California, I just might get one myself.
Are you the type to quit when the going gets tough? Prepare to be told you’re pullin a palin whenever you do. It’s the new buzz phrase and was just added to Urban Dictionary.