Animals Lol kittehs

Maru Voted Internet’s Favorite Cat

We all know that kitty’s are one of the most popular things on the internet,  but up until recently we were left having to fight amongst ourselves as to which cat was the favorite of the web. Finally, URLesque  has cleared things up and the official winner of their catfight was Japan’s Maru.

Congrats Maru, and to all you other kitties out there, keep on trying.


People’s Court Root Beer

Ever wonder what happened to Judge Wapner of the People’s Court? Apparently he retired to make root beer.

Funny Geekery

Mario, The True Story

It’s about time Mario learns you can’t just go around killing those things you don’t like.

Animals Videos

Monkeys Hate Flying Squirrels and Torture

Monkey Torture by The State

I always loved this State sketch, but apparently his job is actually real according to a headline in The Christian Science Monitor, “Monkeys hate flying squirrels, report monkey-annoyance experts.” Good to know there’s a career for all of those unused Bush fact checkers that are now out of a job.


Weirdest Jesus Tattoos Ever

It’s one thing for a true believer to get a Jesus tattoo to show his faith, it’s a whole nothing thing when you get Hello Kitty Jesus, zombie Jesus or pimp Jesus tattooed on your body.


Hit The Trail…The Oregon Trail Movie

How many of you would go see this? I know I would!


No Talking In The Library

Of course, killing zombies between the shelves is ok, as long as you’re quiet.

Thanks Matthew Stewart.


Growing Up A Hero

Most kids fantasize about being a hero when they grow up and plenty of them even wear the costume, but few are fortunate enough to be added to the esteemed list of Growing Up Heroes photos.


NOT What Jessica Rabbit Should Look Like

Ever wonder what Jessica rabbit would look like in real life? It certainly wouldn’t be the way this 57 year-old great-grandmother looks after multiple plastic surgeries to look like her cartoon hero. Disturbingly, Playboy has contacted her about doing a spread.

Interesting RTD Original

Why Did Dutch People Wear Wooden Shoes?

Nowadays wooden clogs are largely sold in the Netherlands as tourist souvenirs, but have you ever wondered why someone would intentionally want to walk around in shoes that could give you a splinter?

The answer goes back to the country’s name, Neterlands roughly translates into “low lands,” which describes most of the terrain in the area. Because the country is filled with so many low lands, the ground was largely boggy and wet and leather shoes would become easily ruined and could not adequately protect the wearer’s feet from becoming damp. Wooden shoes on the other, were sturdy, could survive the muck and were better at keeping feet dry.

These days they are considered good safety shoes as they are difficult to crush or penetrate. They’re also good for kicking butt, as you can tell from this great Jackie Chan clip.