
Best GIF Ever: Monkey Riding A Goat

Thanks BoingBoing.

Sickening Travel

Iceland’s Phallus Museum

If you love male genitalia, the Icelandic Phallological Museum better be on your list of places to see before you die. The museum doesn’t just have animal penises, but it also features imagined peni of characters such as Grover. For more disturbing museum articles, check out this Cracked article.


Chimp and A Dog Getting On The Subway

Read more about cute animals trying to enjoy public transit on this excellent Mental Floss article.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Tiny Children Are Great Models

What is this, a pool for ants?


Just In Time For the Re-Release

Avatar: The Bootleg. Personally, I think this “documentary” would be better than the actual movie.

Geekery Videos

F- Me Ray Bradbury

Speaking of great authors, while I do have a definitive lust for the written word, I have to say that I would never actually want to make love to Ray Bradbury or Kurt Vonnegut, no matter how much I adore their works.

Funny enough, there is an image of Ray Bradbury watching this steamy video tribute to his greatness. Something tells me he wouldn’t turn her down.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Who Wants J.D. Salinger’s Toilet?

For the low, low price of only one million dollars, you could be the proud owner of J.D. Salinger’s used, uncleaned commode. Of course, I’d expect you to add on another 10% to the deal as a finders fee for your humble blog author here.

New Products or Services

Monster Golf Cart

If you ever wondered what would happen when a golf cart and a monster truck had an illegitimate child, now you know. And here are 18 more funny golf cart mods.

Awesome sites

Artistic CAPTCHAs?

What happens when you make comics out of funny CAPTCHAs? You get CAPTCHArt.


More Awesome My Little Ponies

I know I posted modded My Little Ponies before, but the fact is that they are just too awesome to ignore. Here’s an awesome collection of 50 more My Little Pony creations.