Animals History

How Land Mines Saved Penguins

While the Falklands War turned out to be a fairly pointless battle between two countries who had no actual need for the island, there was one clear winner in the conflict: the island’s penguin population that was in serious decline. Fortunately, because the island is now filled with areas that are covered in landmines that penguins are too light to set off, the island has become an unintentional penguin sanctuary.

Image via Graham Canny [Flickr]

Geekery Weddings

Best Minister Ever: Bruce Campbell

Bruce Campbell has become an ordained minister and is marrying one lucky couple at ZomBcon today!

Funny Holidays

Hillarious Baby Costumes

Please don’t eat your baby. For more bizarro costumes, check out the 15 strangest baby Halloween costumes.

Geekery Holidays

Too Lazy For A Real Costume?

This zombie shirt is far more clever than those overused “This Is My Halloween Costume” shirts.

Animals Holidays Videos

Very Very Spooky Puppies

If you’re looking for a very spooky Halloween soundtrack to play for the trick or treaters this year, this video is surprisingly scary when you aren’t looking at the actual footage.


The 10 Most Bizarre Weddings

You’ve seen our articles featuring the tackiest wedding dresses and tuxes, and the one about the best wedding cakes, but if you’re hungry for more, check out this great Oddee article featuring the 10 weirdest weddings.

Funny Videos

Happy Sunday: Under Pressure Kermit

Get your week off to a great start by enjoying this hilarious video featuring a Kermit duet of under pressure.

Animals Videos

Lookout Parrot Arrested In Columbia

While police missed an opportunity to use the world’s cutest handcuffs, the jail bird who warned his drug-dealing owners to run is still plenty cute on his own.

Animals Videos

Animals Waterskiing

The other day I posted a video of a waterskiing elephant, but it turns out they’re not the only animal with skiing skills. Check out these other adorable waterskiing critters:





There’s also a waterskiing horse, but the video can’t be embedded.


Atheists Know More About The Bible

If you’re an atheist, you should be proud and if you’re a Christian, you should be embarrassed. A recent study showed that atheists and agnostics know more about the bible than professed Christians.

Image via aturkus [Flickr]