
10 Utterly Strange Fetishes

Over on Oddee, I recently wrote about the 10 weirdest fetishes on Earth. Go check them out for a good laugh!

Animals Videos

Maru Plays With Small Boxes

Because we can all use more adorable kitties in our lives.


The Silly Hobbies of 6 Brutal Dictators

Did you know Saddam loved to write crappy romance novels or that Osama loves volleyball? Learn more absurd facts about some of the most terrifying men on earth with this funny Cracked article.

Fashion Funny Geekery

15 Funny Baby Shirts

If you’re a big fan of infant fashion, you probably won’t like this post I wrote for Oddee that displays 15 of the funniest baby shirts ever. If you like raunchy or geeky jokes though, you probably will.

Animals Lol kittehs

World’s Longest Dog Tongue

Meet Puggy, the dog with the world’s longest tongue, a record 4.5″. I really wish I knew there was a category for this, because my sister’s dog used to have one that hung even longer. Too late now.

Funny Politics

Signs From The Rally To Restore Sanity

Check out the signs from the rally to restore sanity seen on Flickr. The set is hilarious, including this great one taken by webjedi.


Joy Division Divorce Attorneys

The funniest divorce attorney sign ever… of course, non-music lovers won’t really get this one.

Lol kittehs

Nurse Kitteh On The Prowl

An awesomely old school lol cat. Would you trust your kitty to watch a baby?

Funny History

Most Ironic Deaths Ever

If you can ever laugh at death, then you’ll be sure to chuckle at these extreme examples of irony. Take the man above:

Clement Vallandigham was a lawyer who represented a man charged with killing someone during a bar fight. Vallandigham’s approach was to convince the jury the dead man had shot himself as he drew his weapon from his pocket. As he faced the jury, Vallandigham re-created the situation exactly as it happened. And when I say exactly, I mean that he managed to also re-create the end result: a man shooting himself whilst drawing his pistol.

Politics Videos

Happy Election Day America

Via The Real.