Because athiests don’t have any good songs about their religion.
Tag: funny
Follow up your death metal kitty with the best little salsa dancing dog you’ve ever seen.
If you like this one, be sure to check out all the hilarious death metal animal videos on this Mental Floss post.
Meet Tokyo’s Newest Police Dog
She’s rough. She’s tough. She’s about 7 pounds wet. Meet Peach, the newest K9 member of the Japanese police force. While she may not be effective at running down Yakuza members on the streets, she’s one of the best search and rescue dogs on the team.
While it’s usually impossible to buy shirts from shirt.woot if they are over a day old, they’ve kept this one on sale due to its popularity. Besides, it’s never too late to enjoy the awesome artwork and delightful message.
Chinese Man Trains Dog To Shop
When one resident of China could no longer make it to the grocery store, he trained his faithful pup to do it for him. He sends Deng Deng to the market with a saddle filled with money and a grocery list and the dog returns with his change and food. Talk about man’s best friend.
Women suck at parking and men stink at seeing colors. While they may just sound like stupid stereotypes, Cracked shows that these and four other gender stereotypes are actually confirmed by science. Of course, these should all be balanced out with 6 Things Everyone Knows About Women…That Are Totally Untrue.
Who needs the Wizard when you have organ donations? This “Heartless” tee and others are all on sale for $10 right now at Threadless!
If you’re ready for Christmas shopping, then enjoy the spirit of commercialism with this hilarious article on terrible Christmas gifts.