Animals Funny Videos

DJ Kitty Rocks the Party

Keyboard cat is so 2010. This year, it’s all about DJ Kitty.

Funny Interesting

Hilarious Newspaper Errors

Long before there were idiots to make fun of on YouTube and Craigslist we had to rely on the papers for our laughs. Here are a few great examples of good times long gone.

Art Funny Politics

People Allowed To Touch Your Junk

Not cool man, not cool.

Animals Funny Lol kittehs

2010 in LOL Cats

For those of you who can’t stand reviewing the year in a serious manner, enjoy the ICanHasCheezburger year in LOL Cats. It includes news events (like the one pictured), movies, music and more.

Funny Geekery

Bigotry Is Never Acceptable

For those people who think that Obama’s election put an end to bigotry in the U.S., just take a look at this sickening job ad.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Merry Christmas

Hope you have just as much fun as these boys!

Geekery Holidays

20 Geeky Christmas Decorations

I’m dreaming of a dorky Christmas, which is why I’m so excited about all the decorations included in this Oddee article I wrote.

Funny Holidays Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Tacky Christmas Ornaments

By now your tree should be up and decorated, so let’s hope you don’t have any of these terrible ornaments.

Funny Geekery Holidays

A Star Wars Christmas Joke

Art by Elliot Quince.

Funny Geekery Holidays

Never Carol With Yoda

Thanks Laughing Squid.