Animals Funny

Crocodile Swallows Cell Phone

A 14 year old crocodile in the Ukraine swallowed a tourist’s cell phone and is has become constipated, lethargic and has lost his appetite -for over a month so far. Zoo keepers tried to feed the croc live quails stuffed with laxative, but even after smothering one to death, he still refused to eat it. If this goes on another week, the keepers will be forced to perform surgery.

Meanwhile, the phone keeps ringing and the woman has insisted that she get the SIM card back from her phone after the croc releases it.

Image via Rob Valkass [Flickr]

Crafts Funny

Adorably Dark Creepy Crochet Creations

If you’ve ever wanted to see Hello Hannibal Lecter Kitty or a dead Nancy beside Sid, then this post of creepy crochet designs is sure to please.

Funny Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever Videos

Is The Room The Worst Movie Ever?

Between the atrocious writing, bland plot, transparent acting, wretched special effects, poor camera work and miserable directing, The Room fails in just about every aspect of film making -which almost makes it almost bearable to watch for the laughs. Neatorama has more on this simply horrible movie.

Funny Videos

I Like Big Books

Awww yeah middle school library lovers!

Funny Interesting

Hilarious Warning Labels

You gotta love the fact that manufacturer’s have to protect themselves from the purpose of the actual product. This disclaimer and more funny one can be are on Women’s Day.

Funny Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Amazon Selling Gastric Bypass Kits

Amazon has long been known for carrying some strange items, but this three pack of gastric bypass surgical kits just might be the weirdest yet. On the upside, that also means it has provided great fodder for comical review such as this:

Unfortunately I managed to get this all screwed up. It should have been clearer that you don’t use all three kits. I ended up doing my stomach, liver and what I believe is a kidney although I don’t have enough medical experience to say for sure. It was very hard to use some of the tools while looking in the various mirrors I had set up. But, I got it done. At one point my wife came in, saw the mess and said I should have called a real doctor. Well, I showed her! I’m now happily eating, drinking and urinating much less. I look forward to trying the next release, the cardiac bypass kit.

Animals Funny Travel

Frog Hitching A Ride On A Snake

Queensland, Australia is completely flooded right now, and there is no image that better shows the destruction in such a cute manner than this one of a frog riding a snake to safety. Wasn’t this in a nursery rhyme?

Animals Videos

Baby Elephant On The Beach

Happy Sunday!

Fashion Funny Geekery New Products or Services

Pedobear Hat

If you liked those 6 year old French Vogue models a bit too much, have I got the hat for you.

Food Funny Holidays

Turkey Jell-o Mold Contest

It may be a little past due, but I’d feel remiss if I passed up the opportunity to share the results of the 2010 Turkey Jell-o Mold contest with you.