I’m suddenly hungry and repulsed at the same time.
Tag: fat
Are you ready for a 3 pound, 26 inch long behemoth of a gummy worm? Ready or not, here it is.
Bacon Mug With Cheese
Who’s looking for a good heart attack? This mug of bacon is actually functional and holds hot cheese.
Back Boobs Make Me Barf
You have to wonder if she realized her back looks like nasty jugs or not? Thanks Yesbutnobutyes.
Food on A Stick
For those of you, like myself, that are a little bit sad they’ll be missing the county fair this year, and thus, all of the fried goodness contained within, I highly recommend taking a peek at this blog post on Now That’s Nifty. The image above is fried stuffing, a sure way to make your fried turkey feel right at home with his side dishes. Man could I go for a fried meatball right about now.
Chicken Fried Bacon -Whaaa
America’s bacon obsession is getting to be a little too much. At least when sushi was the hip new thing it wouldn’t kill you with heart-clogging fat. I rest my case with this photo of chicken fried bacon which certainly sounds delicious, but like it would kill you after eating it for a week straight. Thanks Flickr.
Casting for the Creepy Perv Next Door
Are you short, hairy and stinky? Guess what? Adult Swim is looking for you. Cartoon Network’s Aqua Teen Hunger Force is now casting Carl look-alikes to star in their first ever live action show. The search begins at the San Diego Comic Con on Saturday, July 26 between 3-6 P.M. at the Omni Hotel. From the press release:
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, one of Adult Swim’s most popular animated action-adventure, comedy-dramas, follows the strange everyday lives of three human-sized food products who live in New Jersey. Their next-door neighbor is Carl, a simple man who’s endearingly sweaty, hairy, lewd, fashion-challenged, horny, nasty and oftentimes annoying. All men remotely fitting that description are encouraged to show up. It would also help to be bald, have a mustache and wear a dirty white tank top, sweat pants and flip-flops.
Of course, I will be at the convention covering all the goodness and will see if I can get some footage of the best wannabe Carls. If you do look like this, I highly advise you to apply as it may be your only chance to ever get laid. Ever.
8 Horrible ER Stories
If you have a strong stomach, click here.
Or maybe you’re stupid because you believe in god. A researcher from the University of Ulster has shown a link between IQ and religious beliefs; noting that the more intelligence a person has, the less likely they are to believe in god.
I once saw a study that showed that being fat made men more stupid. So does that mean that fat men with low IQs are the most likely to believe in god? It sounds reasonable to me.
What are your thoughts, does religion make you a fat retard or do you just believe in religion more because you’re a fat retard? Or am I just a horrible sinner for asking this?