Mental Floss has some really cool recipes for your holiday celebration, including the hideous brain cocktail above made of schnapps, grenadine and Baileys. Check it out!
Mental Floss has some really cool recipes for your holiday celebration, including the hideous brain cocktail above made of schnapps, grenadine and Baileys. Check it out!
Then perhaps you’re a person that should be eating at one of the fine dining establishments listed in WebUrbanist’s World’s Strangest Theme Restaurants. Also listed are death eateries and cannibalistic sushi.
Who’s hungry?
Then try these deodorizing suits from Japan that are suprisingly not overpriced. They have all kinds of cool features built in to keep you sweat and stink free all day. Check out InventorSpot for more info.
If you have a strong stomach, click here.
A vibrator for your Wii remote that comes in men and women’s designs. Video game sex toys, it’s finally happened.
And I thought my Wii was fun NOW.