Animals Crafts Geekery Interesting

It’s A Me A Mario De Cat!

Mario Hat For Cats Crochet

You can make your own kitty into a Mario cat with these great knitted caps from Etsy seller SaraiRose.

Art Entertainment Fashion Geekery Hotties Movies TV

Be Sexy In Tron Wear

sexy tron dress

We’ve wrote about the sexy Tron set in Playboy before, but now’s your chance to wear your own hot, program-inspired lingerie thanks to Etsy seller Artiface Clothing.

Advertising Animals Humor

Sad Etsy Dogs

Sad Etsy Dogs delivers everything it promises and more (like rats and cats).

Animals Crafts Fashion Interesting

It’s Dangerous Out There…Take This

crochet unicorn pug hat

This magical unicorn dog will surely stop any enemies in their tracks. You can get one for your own pup from this great Etsy store.

Art Holidays

Another Zombie Easter Bunny

You can buy an awesome greeting card of this image over at Etsy.

Crafts Geekery Holidays

Cthulhu Santa Claus

You’d better not be naughty if the dark lord is the one calling the shots.


Speaking of Etsy


I recently added a bunch of my own items to my store, including the credit card earrings above and more of your favorite bacon bath salts. Stop by and take a look. They may not be as fun as this list of seriously bizarre Etsy items, but they’re all affordable and your purchase will support the blog.


Gorilla Vorhees Zombie Stuffie


A reader recently sent me a link to his unique art on Etsy. My favorite is this green gorilla toy. For more, visit the shop, Zoombietown.

New Products or Services

Condom Pillow Keeps You Safe

condom-pillowEtsy periodically features some products that make me go “whaaaa?” This is a perfect example, a giant, handmade condom pillow. They come with the giant fabric condom, huzzah. Both the fabric condom and real ones can be hidden inside your pillow.

Best of all, they’re only $80. Who wouldn’t pay that just to see the mortified look on their parent’s faces when they come to visit?


Selling Vintage Clothes On Etsy


Hey everyone, I listed a few clothes on Etsy’s vintage clothes section. Please go check them out. If you like what you see, please go buy them. I have no job right now and could really appriciate it.