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Happy 4/20


Hopefully you aren’t so high you’re seeing giant colored animals everywhere, that is, unless you’re in certain parts of Europe, where they are a real and legitamate art project.


Oh, and since tomorrow’s Earth Day, you may as well check out these awesomely strange eco-friendly products like the wood-powered hot tub. So relaxing.

New Products or Services Travel

Public Trasportation That’s Not Public

If you’re like me, you’ll love this concept of trains with private seating pods. I think it would be ideal if two people could mutually agree to open their pods together if you’re traveling together, but traveling alone is a far, far improvement over the existing “hope a stranger doesn’t molest or rob you” method of public transit. Of course, maybe I just like that idea because I’m anti-social.

The one drawback I really see as impassable, what do you do with the pervs and junkies who violate the very privacy they long for?