Not sure where this image actually came from, but dammit it’s awesome!
Tag: dorks
More Geek Cakes
It’s been a while since I’ve seen a really good post of geek cakes. So I’m passing the delicious nerdiness onto you. Enjoy!
Mon Calamari wanna Leia sounds like a bad Hawaiian fish joke, but it’s actually a bad Star Wars wedding joke in this case. Man, I wish I was invited to go. I wonder if he took of the mask for the wedding night fun time.
Thanks Neatorama.
Comic Con this year was awesome and it was a thrill to document all the cool junk going on. While there will be a few posts, including some awesome interviews, this post will be all about the costumes of Comic Con. Keep reading in the future so you can see the coolest Comic Con merch, the hottest comic con girls, interviews with writer of the upcoming animated movie Igor, Emily the Strange’s creator, The Fairly Odd Parent’s creator and more!
The costumes vary from dorky to awesome to lazy to sexy and everywhere in between. Just take a look for yourself. Be sure to click on any you like to see the full image.
If you have any questions or comments, please leave them, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
If you like this post, feel free to check out my 25 hotties at Comic Con post, which has more hot costumes and just some hot nerds.
Too Much Good Stuff
I am in coolness overload with this awesome post on WebUrbanist featuring 20 examples
of fantastic geek art.
Mad props to the Firefox graffiti. Don’t forget to check out the skeltons of famous cartoon characters by Hyungkoo Lee.
Hey all you anime fans, video game nerds and other losers who can never understand why they can’t pull a chick even though they still rely on virtual sunshine, here’s your chance to finally touch some titties. Rejoice geeks, Battical has informed the world of the existence of this 3D anime mouse pad available at will let you fondle your day away without having to bother with that pesky “talking to real people” thing.
At least it’s ergonomic.
Geek Crafts has posted 13 most excellent dork cakes for your every need. I have to say, I need these.
If only my birthday were closer.