Animals Interesting

This Dog Has An Important Job At The Airport


Every day, Piper gets a ride to work, where she helps keep people safe at the airport. She’s not a bomb or drug sniffing dog though. Instead, Piper works on the airport helping to prevent something that endangers far more passengers -birds being hit by plane engines.


The 8 year-old border collie simply does what comes natural to her -chasing ducks, geese, owls and more away from the runways. Of course, there was some training involved in getting the pooch to get used to the planes as that’s not something dogs normally feel comfortable around.


Even when poor Piper injured her arm she continued to happily do her duty, running along with an adorable yellow cast. That’s not to say she is in danger at work though. Her handlers make sure to equip her with protective earwear and goggles.

Animals Humor Videos

It Wasn’t Me…Was It?

Dogs are crazy when it comes to farts. Half of them fart and get confused by what came out of their bottom and half of them fart and run away to leave you with the stench. But then there’s Rain, who simply hears a fart machine and suddenly thinks he is the culprit, though he just doesn’t understand since he didn’t feel anything come out from back there.

Hey, at least he’s not the one doing it and unlike a lot of humans, he doesn’t try to hide it.

Via Cute Overload

Animals Animation Videos

Carpark Reminds You It’s Not Nice to Tease

(Video Link)

Before we even get started here, the dog lover in me would just like to point out that you should never ever leave your dog in the car, even with the window rolled down and especially with it up. That being said, if you do see a dog in someone else’s car, you shouldn’t mock it. If you do, hopefully you’ll get what’s coming to you, whether it’s what happens to the man in this cute cartoon or someone taunting you when circumstances leave you with a broken lock that results in you being locked in somewhere.

Via Laughing Squid

Animals Videos

Yoga Time With Pancho

Namaste little Pancho, you’ve got moves to make any yogi proud, but I bet your mantra still involves bacon.

Animals Videos

This Little Pup Loves His Teddy Bear

Personally though, I’m loving those pajamas!

Animals Videos

He’s So Excited

And he just can’t hide it!

Animals Entertainment Geekery

The Pugs of Middle Earth


Peter Jackson is great and all, but I still think this movie would be better, if only for the absolutely amazing squee factor. Booboo the Grey, Bono Bagins and Lady Roxy look like an ideal cast for any Tolkien flick.

Animals Humor Videos

Rubber Ducky, You’re The One for Kinako

Kinako sure loves his baths. Just look at how much he enjoys a relaxing soak in the tub, complete with a rubber ducky.

Animals Fashion Geekery

Ghostbuster Pug


I ain’t afraid of no cat!

Animals Holidays Humor

30 Dogs Who Kick Ass At Valentine’s Day


I may not know you personally, but I can pretty much guarantee that these pooches are already better prepared for Valentine’s Day than you are.