Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.” -Harry S Truman

Fact of the Day:
In Virginia, from 1984 to 2000, Martin Luther King was honored on the same day as two guys who have very different legacies: Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson. The state holiday was known as “Lee-Jackson-King Day –Source

Today’s Holiday:
International Youth Day –youngsters rejoice, old men hide.

Link of the Day:
This silly deer followed the dog home through the doggy door. Must have been a surprise for his owner.


Dear Deer, How Did You Get Here?

This crazy little deer was found a mile and a half out to sea. Luckily, a marine found him and returned him to shore. Thanks Cute Overload, for giving us the story.


Most Adorable Deer Baby Ever…Thanks to Cute Overload

Too Cute!!!!Cute Overload has the cutest little deer with an equally sweet story attached. A couple found this little baby deer on the side of the road where its mommy was just ran over. The couple took it upon themselves to nurse the baby back to health.

It hangs out with kitties, takes walks and tries to nurse on a Great Dane. How much more adorable can you get?

On the discussion side of things, what will happen to little Jet grows up? Surely they can’t have a full grown deer in their house and I don’t think you can just let a little guy like that back into the wild. I’m not saying what they did isn’t sweet and wonderful, but what do you think they will need to do in the future?

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