
Ugliest Dog Contest Winner

Pee Wee MartiniIn one of the world’s newest, meanest, funniest and all-around best competitions, Pee Wee Martini (right) was NOT named “World’s Ugliest Dog.” Personally, I think this little beast of an animal beat out the winner, Gus, by a long shot as far as looks go. I mean look at the crooked nose and mangled tongue -he makes Rosie O’Donnell look good.

But Gus (left) won, and I’m glad he did because he’s got the story behind the title, he has been fighting skin cancer for years and came from a bad home. Plus, he lost his back leg to cancer and an eye to a cat of all things. He’s a lover and a fighter and he will be in the hearts of all who love his little spirit long after the contest. Go Gus!

In related news, Neatorama has the story of Jenny, Britain’s Most Unwanted Dog. Poor Jenny was in the shelter for a whooping 11 years and has only now been adopted. I love this story and the people who were willing to give her a good life after all those years in the shelter. Hooray for Jenny!

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Best Dog Swim Suits of 2008

Def Cab Dog Pants?Just in time for summer, Inventor Spot has a list of the best dog bathing suits this summer. While it’s not the absolute cutest of all the options (as it’s for a boy dog and the dresses are amazing), I wanna get the one on the right for my little Percy dog. You may know him as Def Cab Dog.


Most Adorable Deer Baby Ever…Thanks to Cute Overload

Too Cute!!!!Cute Overload has the cutest little deer with an equally sweet story attached. A couple found this little baby deer on the side of the road where its mommy was just ran over. The couple took it upon themselves to nurse the baby back to health.

It hangs out with kitties, takes walks and tries to nurse on a Great Dane. How much more adorable can you get?

On the discussion side of things, what will happen to little Jet grows up? Surely they can’t have a full grown deer in their house and I don’t think you can just let a little guy like that back into the wild. I’m not saying what they did isn’t sweet and wonderful, but what do you think they will need to do in the future?

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Pussy and the Little Mouse, How Cute!!!!

awww, too cuteThe Daily Mail has a story about a regular house cat who has become best friends with bear at a zoo in Berlin. It’s seriously f-ing adorable. They had to put the bear, Maeuschen -or “little mouse,” away while they renovated his living space and his buddy, Muschi -German for “pussy,” wailed outside of his cage without him. Keepers put the kitty back in the bear cage and they cuddled and were happy again. I’m going to go cry and vomit while filled with this cuteness. Excuse me.

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Lol kittehs

Lol D’Jour

Mean mean panda

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Interesting New Products or Services

Geeky Cakes Gallore

Geek Crafts has posted 13 most excellent dork cakes for your every need. I have to say, I need these.

If only my birthday were closer.