Daily Goodness

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“The intelligent man finds almost everything ridiculous, the sensible man hardly anything.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Fact of the Day:
The man on the can of Chef Boy-ar-dee was a real person. Hector Boiardi was a gourmet chef at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
National Tequila Day -This could be problematic.

Link of the Day:
Ack! Creepy nature. To be more specific, the 30 Creepiest Trees in the world.


Watch Your Feet

Some sickos have been planting sharpened metal spikes in public parks. So far this has been discovered in Seattle and the Netherlands. Luckily, no one has been seriously hurt yet, but it is damn freaky.

Learn more here.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Products For People Who Shouldn’t Have Babies

Cracked has a great list of 20 baby products that should not exist. The baby high heels have creeped me out since I heard about them.

But this here manual snot sucker…just genius really.

I highly encourage everyone to read the whole list. Everything here belongs in “Stupidest Products Ever.” Everything. It’s shocking, disgusting, weird and every other adjective that you RTD readers have come to love.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Breast Milk Jewlery

Seriously, eww.

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t want anything made from another woman’s breast milk. Particularly jewelry. I guess if you’re one of those weird people that has an obsession with mothers in societies though, you might like it. -Freak.

Thanks Boing Boing.


Lovable Yet Ugly Insect Faces

These little insect faces have so much personality. It almost makes the critters lovable even though they’re still creepy and dirty.

The one on the left looks like a cute old man.

Check them out here.


Childhood Nightmares

I saw Indiana Jones last week. If you haven’t seen it already, without giving too much away, I can tell you there’s a scene with creepy, flesh-eating red ants. I hated the scene though I loved the movie. Why? Because I hate ants.

As a child, one of my worst nightmares involved hiding in a linen cupboard as a line of two-foot-tall red ants walked through my hallway with my parents and my sister on their backs. Just when I thought I was safe, the cupboard popped open and one of the ants started carrying me towards their nest.

It may sound silly now, but it was terrifying to a three year old. To this day, ants in large quantities still creep me out. I know other people have similar strange nightmares when they were children. I was wondering what kind of weird dreams you guys have had. Let me know in the comments.

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New Products or Services Poetry

Creepy Snow Globes

Throw him in the wellThese snow globes seen on InventorSpot are so creepy and strange, they are fantastic. Look at the whole series here.

Just a thought though, as much as kids like snowglobes, it may be a good idea to put these out of their hands. Most kids do not enjoy the thought of getting thrown down a well or eaten by a giant spider.