Geekery Holidays

13 Pregnant Zombies

Zombies are always scary, but there’s something absolutely horrifying about a pregnant zombie with a living dead placenta and fetus. Here are 13 such monstrosities.

Animals Holidays

The Most Adorable Incarnation of Death Ever

I bet you never wanted to cuddle with death until you saw this cutie pie.

Animals History Holidays Humor

More Dogs In Costumes

I know we’ve featured a ton of pet costumes here already, but there’s no way I could pass on this great list of highbrow dog Halloween costumes. Especially after seeing this adorable Marie Antoinette dog.

Comic-Con Geekery Holidays Movies TV

Great Costumes From The NYCC

Technically these costumes came from the New York Comic Con, but they could just as easily work for Halloween.

Animals Funny Geekery History Holidays

8 Awesome Adult Halloween Costumes

I’ve already featured plenty of kid and pet costumes here, but here are some great adult costumes, including this Sputnik 2 one, which requires both man and beast.

Fashion Holidays Hotties Movies TV

Sexy & Creepy Costumes

It’s hard to achieve the ideal balance between sexy and creepy, but this gory nurse and sexy Freddy managed to do just that.

Animals Geekery Holidays Humor Movies TV

24 Adorable Pet Costumes

Frankly my puggie I don’t give a damn that you have the cutest costume in all the land. Oh wait. Yes I do and here are more wonderful costumes.

Fashion Geekery Holidays

The Best Meme Costumes Ever

Look at your Halloween costume. Now back to this blog. Sadly your costume is not nearly as cool as these 10 awesome meme costumes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them.

Animals Holidays

Happy Halloween Week

While Halloween isn’t until next Monday, this is the last full week before our favorite holiday, so in order to make the most of it, all posts this week will be Halloween-themed. If you hate Halloween, come back next Tuesday, and in the meanwhile, go f- yourself because you are certainly no friend of ours.

All that being said, enjoy this picture of a baby dressed up like his adorable pet French bulldog.

Comic-Con Fashion Geekery

Great Pics From The NYC Comic Con

Geeks Are Sexy has some great pictures from 2011’s New York Comic Con. The best of which is this incredibly sexy Poison Ivy.