Animals Food Geekery Holidays Humor Interesting Lol kittehs

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Grumpy Cat

il_570xN.414875629_3i69Poor Tard, she can’t even enjoy Valentine’s Day, but it’s a complete loss -at least he has a great set of cookies to celebrate the holiday.

Food Geekery Interesting

Using Holiday Cookie Cutters For Star Wars Cookies


Who knew that candy, Christmas tree and pumpkin cookie cutters could result in in these perfect Star Wars cookies? And aren’t they adorable?

Food Humor Travel

Awesome Cookie Packaging

I want this Japanese cookie now!

Interesting New Products or Services

Geeky Cakes Gallore

Geek Crafts has posted 13 most excellent dork cakes for your every need. I have to say, I need these.

If only my birthday were closer.