Animals Food Interesting

The Only Bar I Want to Visit

Yes, tiny critters at a tiki bar. That is all.

Via Incredible Things

Food Geekery Interesting

13 Great Geek Cocktails


From the Metroid to the Tick to the Giggling Yoda, these great cocktails all sound absolutely delicious and delightfully nerdalicious.

Food Holidays

Happy Cinco De Mayo

If you’re ready to get your drink on, be sure to check out my guide to making your own delicious watermelon, strawberry or mango margaritas over on The Cheapskate’s Handbook.

If you’re still inclined to make dinner after drinking too many margaritas, I’ve also written up a great fajitas recipe.

Image via pink_fish13 [Flickr]

Art Food Infographics Interesting

Fancy Drinks Infographic


Art Science

If You Like Pina Coladas

And seeing drinks under glass…Then you’re certain to love these amazing images of booze under a microscope. This is one of my all time favorite drinks, the delicious, and apparently gorgeous, pina colada.

Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Seriously Sick Cocktails

Ever wonder what the grossest cocktails in the world are? Wonder no more, but be prepared to puke plenty more. By the way, if you like the post, please share it with your friends or give it a thumbs up on StumbleUpon. Thanks.


What Obesiety Epidemic?


If you’re looking for something to kick start your bullemia, may I recomend the McNuggetini? This cocktail has barbeque sauce, vodka, a McDonald’s milk shake and all the nuggets you can dip. They say vodka goes with anything. Ladies, I think you just proved them wrong. Excuse me…I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Awesome sites

Horribly Gross Halloween Recipes

Mental Floss has some really cool recipes for your holiday celebration, including the hideous brain cocktail above made of schnapps, grenadine and Baileys. Check it out!