Geekery Holidays

The Ultimate Geek Holiday Decoration

That’s right, it’s Lego Dalek santa!

Holidays Videos

You’d Better Behave Thhis Christmas

A Krampus Carol by Anthony Bordain reminds us why we’d better be good the next 364 days of the year.

Geekery Holidays

The Geekiest Christmas Trees Ever

Merry Christmas to all of my geek buddies out there!

Food Holidays Interesting

15 Adorable Holiday Snacks

I’d say they were too cute to eat if my mouth wasn’t already full.

Holidays Humor

26 Horrible Christmas Cards

If the holidays bring out the best in people, then I’d hate to see these people throughout the rest of the year.

Console Games Entertainment Geekery Holidays Videos

Angry Birds Christmas Lights

Yes, this game really does work, and yes, it is freaking amazing.

Food Geekery Holidays Interesting

AT-AT Gingerbread House

I can barely make a square gingerbread house without it falling down. That’s why I respect the heck out of Rachel Klemek of the Blackmarket Bakery, who made this amazing creation.

Geekery Holidays Humor

Now There’s A Tree To Remember

Even the malls in Japan are infinitely cooler than those in America.

Geekery Holidays Humor

When Daleks Celebrate Christmas

Oh boy are we in trouble this Christmas.

Holidays Humor Videos

I’m Santa & I Know It