Hotties Interesting Weird news

Hot New Internet Trend In China – The Underboob Pen Challenge


It seems the Chinese want to give the Japanese a run for their money when it comes to having a strange, and somewhat pervy, sense of humor, and thanks to the internet they get to share their strange obsessions with the world.

Their most recent viral pic sensation- boob pen. That’s right, stick a pen or pencil under your boob, snap a (generally not nude) pic and share it on social media.


What anyone but the pen gets out of this is beyond me, but the fun loving yet fickle nature of the internet almost guarantees this will become a thing across the globe for an internet minute.

Luckily, some women have already seen through this cup size shaming posing as a social media trend and have begun tucking pens and pencils under far less racy folds of skin.


And don’t forget about the fellas who came to show the world that boob pen isn’t just for the ladies. Why, that man has magical mammaries!


See China’s ‘Underboob Pen Challenge’ Is The Viral Meme That Won’t Let Go here

Entertainment Geekery Interesting Travel

A Fun Look At China’s Knock Off WOW Theme Park


Joyland World is China’s unlicensed World of Warcraft theme park. Redditor FrancescaO_O visited the park and uploaded a ton of pictures of the park. You can see them on or Geekologie.

Art Travel

China’s Snow Festival

China’s snow festival is an awesome yearly event with amazing sculptures and other artworks made from ice and snow. Check out more pics at the link.


Chinese Man Trains Dog To Shop

When one resident of China could no longer make it to the grocery store, he trained his faithful pup to do it for him. He sends Deng Deng to the market with a saddle filled with money and a grocery list and the dog returns with his change and food. Talk about man’s best friend.


12 Cool Chopsticks

If you think chopsticks are boring, you haven’t seen these awesome ones I featured on Oddee.

Interesting Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Best Halloween Costume Eva

This costume rocks. Thanks Gigglesugar.

Advertising Sickening Stupidest Products (or ideas) Ever

Promoting Cigarettes to Kids

“No advertising to kids in America? We’ll just move to China,” is what the tobacco industry seems to be thinking in this bold move.

They have placed sponsorships on school uniforms for students in Kunming, China. The kids look like race car drivers and they love it.

Great job Marlboro. I remember when you were all American and supporting cowboys. My my how things have changed.

Daily Goodness Sickening

Daily Goodness

Quote of the Day:
“It is our responsibilities, not ourselves, that we should take seriously.” -Peter Ustinov

Fact of the Day:
Using an orange-handled coffee pot to denote decaffeinated brew dates back to

Photo by Flickr user Wha'ppen
Photo by Flickr user Whappen

1923, when General Foods first introduced Sanka. As a promotional gimmick, they provided restaurants and diners with orange-y pots that matched the orange packaging of their decaf coffee. –Source

Today’s Holiday:
Global Forgiveness Day –I’m sensing a lot of forgiving this month…man, we must have f* up the rest of the year.

Link of the Day:
If you dug a hole through the world, you probably won’t end up in China (unless you live in Argentina). To find out where you would actually end up, try this site. I’d be in the ocean near Madagascar.

Humor Sex Sickening Weird news

Another Lesson in Bad Sex

Note to self, do not hump holes in a park bench and get stuck. It is embarrassing to get caught being not only a pervert, but a weird l0zer. If only this was in front of the Olympic stadium.


One World One Dream -No Blacks

Following all the protests against China’s gross civil rights records, their government decided to throw some blatant racism onto the fire by banning Blacks and Mongolians from bars by the games.

Never mind how many blacks will be participating in the games…no, they’re all aparently “social undesirables.”

I hope everyone in the Chinese government has already reserved their spots in heaven, because they’ve got no chance of getting in without paying.