One of the most fascinating things about Wikipedia is what it means to allow anyone edit an encyclopedia entry at will. While this 12 volume set of Wikipedia changes regarding the Iraq war is certain to provide a unique historical perspective of the event as it happened, the true value of these pages is in physically recording the public’s interest in altering the entry.
Tag: books
No Talking In The Library
Of course, killing zombies between the shelves is ok, as long as you’re quiet.
Thanks Matthew Stewart.
Personally, I love kids books, but there are some topics that just shouldn’t be included in their subject matter. All Things Mundane took a great look at a few extreme examples to prove that just because something’s marked safe for kids to read doesn’t actually mean you’ll want to let your children anywhere near it.
Awesome New Website: Swaptree
I just discovered this site the other day…oddly enough at the advice of my mom…and it rocks. You post a list of things you have and a list of things you want. Whenever somone has what you want and wants what you have, it will help you two set up a trade. You can do games, cds, DVDs and books. I think you should all join and start trading with me. Try it!
I’m in Good Company
Mental Floss posted a recent article detailing 6 wordsmiths who had trouble spelling.
Those of you who follow my works on a regular basis may have noticed I occassionally have issues myself -and that’s with a trusty spellchecker on hand.
Thank you Mental Floss for boosting my confidence today.
Daily Goodness
Quote of the Day:
“Democracy isn’t a state of perfection. It has to be improved, and that means constant vigilance.†-Antonio Tabucchi
Fact of the Day:
Dr. Suess once threatened to sue a prolife group for using his words “a person’s a person no matter how small,†on their letterhead. –Source
Today’s Holiday:
Ancestor Appreciation Day
Link of the Day:
10 Really awesome book artists.
Teach Kids & Socialize Kitties
Now there are some goals I can get behind. Austin has created a new program where students can read out loud to cats. It helps children learn and feel comfortable reading aloud and it helps socialize cats. One adorable little boy read to the cats and summarized the experience by saying, “They started fighting each other. Big tails and hissing. They don’t appear to be doing it right now. I think they like this book better: ‘Monkey for Sale.’ “
Daily Goodness
Quote of the Day:
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” -Groucho Marx
Fact of the Day:
100 years ago, the average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year, but dentists made $2,500 per year. –Source
Today’s Holiday:
Baby Food Day and Gummi Worm Day -your choice.
Link of the Day:
Cool mailboxes.
The Deviant’s Pocket Guide To The Outlandish Sexual Desires Barely Contained In Your Subconscious is a glorious exploration into freeky deeky sexuality.
The old favorites, BDSM, necrophillia, etc., are all represented well here, but there’s so much more to love. As someone who loves searching the net to observe as many strange and funny obsessions as possible, it means a lot to say that this book has many fetishes I had never even thought of -such as nasophillia, the obsession of noses.