For those readers who love the animal kingdom, but prefer to hear about its oddities over its deadliness, may I suggest Ever So Strange, a brilliant animal blog that specializes in the weirdest natural occurrences on earth.
Not only is the content great, but the writing is delightful. Just check out this excerpt on the sex life of the leopard slug:
They slide down their mucus string, and in mid air each with its enormous penis unsheathed from their head, their kilt-tilters tangle and wind around one another, much in the same way as the slugs themselves. The penises fan out into a rather smashing flower-like structure and they can at this stage exchange sperm. Sometimes the penises will become so entangled that apophallation is the only way to go… one will chew off the others penis. The de-tallywhackered slug will still be able to mate, just only as a lady. Usually, and indeed thankfully, it doesn’t always have to come to this.